3D Corner offset parameters

The 3D Corner offset strategy is similar to the Parallel pencil milling strategy. This strategy is also is a combination of Pencil milling strategy and 3D Constant step over strategy. SolidCAM generates a Pencil milling tool path and uses it for the 3D Constant step over passes generation. These passes are generated as offsets from the Pencil milling passes. In contrast to the Parallel pencil milling strategy where the number of offsets is defined by the user, in this strategy the number of offsets is determined automatically either up to the model edges or to machine an area defined with a boundary.

The order of passes machining is determined by Order parameters.

In this combined strategy, you define the Pencil milling parameters and the 3D Constant step over parameters in two separate pages.

Pencil milling parameters

The Pencil passes page enables you to define the parameters of the Pencil milling passes.


3D Constant step over parameters

The Passes page defines the parameters of the 3D Constant step over passes.